Climate Change in Fiji in VR
This project started out with three very clear ideas:
- to bring the experience of climate change in Fiji, in the heart of the Pacific, to wintry Germany for COP23;
- to help decision-makers - and anyone interested in a story of what climate change really means for the Pacific - connect with the insights gathered through the World Bank-led Fiji Climate Vulnerability Assessment; a deep-dive report outlining the projected economic impacts of climate change on Fiji over the coming decades.
- to tell a climate change story with a true Fijian voice: one of strength, resilience and deep sense of community (vei lomani);
Our Home, Our People launched at the COP23 Climate Change meeting in Bonn, Germany, in November 2017. Experience it in full @ Or read more via Mashable, or via this interview with our team.
Update, March 2018: This project was named as an Innovation finalist in the United Nations SDG Action Awards (more info: was featured in the water-focused episode, 'The Promise' of the United Nations' SDG Goalscast.