Fighting plastic pollution in East Asia Pacific

East Asia Pacific is at the heart of the planet's plastic pollution epidemic - with the world's top five ocean polluting countries all located in East Asia, with much of this pollution ending up in the Pacific. 

Building on the back of a series of interviews with 'ocean innovators' for World Oceans Day 2020, in late 2020 I led production on a series of creative projects - including the design of a new 'brand', and a series of video interviews in Bali (Indonesia), Cambodia and Vietnam - to help launch the World Bank's approach to addressing marine plastic pollution throughout East Asia Pacific.

Working closely with my regular creative collaborator, Ingrid Brooker, we aimed to bring a sense of the reality of this immense challenge to the communications materials, while also building in a spirit of hope; that this issue can - with the right resources and intense commitment - be addressed within our lifetimes.